Dental PPE And The Changes To The Dentist
PPE Costs have been a hot topic of late, especially within the dental profession. The fact some suppliers have reported PPE costs increasing by up to 600% it is no wonder that some dentists are charging up to £35 for PPE within the dental practice.
We spent a lot of time throughout the lockdown trying to source robust, yet cost-effective PPE that allows us to treat all of our patients fairly and with minimal additional cost.
This is why we have not added any additional fees for our routine appointments to cover PPE. For treatments requiring the use of (Aerosol Generating Procedures) we have had to add an additional £5 per session. Whilst this is not ideal, we think this is the fairest way to help cover the increased costs we have had to absorb.
Dentistry itself is also under pressure from additional safety measures known as "fallow time". This is a period that the surgery itself must be left to clear any potentially infectious particles that may have been generated during treatment.
As you could imagine this limited the number of patients a dentist could see in a day and much of the PPE charges being levelled by dentists is also to help offset this.
We have made adjustments to our rooms and brought in additional ventilation units to reduce this time required, whilst also remaining safe for everyone. This allows us to minimise our disruption as much as possible, whilst also being able to avoid any additional charges.
We hope to do away with these as soon as possible, but thank you all for your support during this time!